Wednesday 3 October 2007


The U.k.'s premier independent film festival 'Raindance' is once again on! Starting on 25th September with wonderful 'Weirdsville' and closing off on 7th October with gus Van Sant's new film 'Paranoid Park' the festival is aiming to bring the best of independent cinema to the U.K.
As part of the festival, Raindance is also screening a number of new and unknown titles from Asia: Some of the highligts include 'M' ; described as a Belle Du Jour for the internet age, 'Bakushi: The Incredible Lives Of The Rope Masters', a documentary about the performers of a strange erotic art form known as Bakushi, 'It's Only Talk' ; Ryuchi Hiroki’s second collaboration with the winning team of actress Shinobu Terajima and screenwriter Haruhiko Arai about a woman suffering from depression and finally Blitzkrieg Bop: a surreal, mad-cap Japanese gangster flick.
There are still tickets available to all the remaining screening so hurry!
More info can be found at:

P.s.: Tonight is the last chance to see 'La Antenna'. An Argentinian sci-fi flick that is simply out of this world. Fans of classic anime such as 'Ghost In The Shell' and 'Akira' as well as Fritz Lang, Tim Burton and Terry Gilliam fans should pay heed. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

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