Wednesday 9 May 2007

Crossover time!

Those of us raised on comics got so used to seeing superhero team-ups that we love to see the same thing in cinema. Ensemble casts are always fun, but classic leading combos (Redford & Newman, Eastwood & Van Cleef, etc.) can be even better. Within action, however, there is an additional element, taking competitiveness to a new level with the addition of combat. So it is that in recent years we have seen Jet Li fight Mark Dacascos, Donnie Yen rematch with Jet Li, Jackie Chan fight Donnie Yen, and the latter fight Sammo Hung.

If you not only agree the above were impressive, but you can name every film in the list, then the current headline and pictures over at MonkeyPeaches will be of interest to you. Yes, Jackie Chan and Jet Li, having kicked everyone else's butts, are now shooting a movie together. It's like a kung-fu cinema World's Finest! Story? Plot? I'm sure they're there, but what I really want to know is: who's gonna take who in the smackdown?


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